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This application consists of Selected five surahs from the Holy Quran. These are some of the most powerful Surahs extracted from the Holy Quran. When read with absolute faith in God almighty, these Surahs are extremely beneficial for ones success and happiness in all aspects of life.

★★★★★ SURAH YASIN ★★★★★

★ The Prophet (SalAllahu alayhi wasalam) said, Surely everything has a heart, and the heart of the Qur’an is Yasin. I would love that it be in the heart of every person of my people
[Bazzar]. (S.Muhammad Ali Sabuni, Tafsir-al-Sabuni Vol.2)

★ The Prophet said, Whoever recited Surah Yasin in the night seeking Allahs pleasure, Allah would forgive him
[Ibn Hibban, Darimi 3283/A, Abu Yala,
Tabarani, Baihaqi & Ibn Mardawaih]

★★★★★ SURAH Al REHMAN ★★★★★

★ After offering each Prayer if someone recites Surah Rahman once without break and recite Durood Shareef 3 times before and after Surah Rahman, that person will get rid of his problem by the grace of Allah.

★ For the fulfillment of a wish which seems to be impossible, the person has to recite Surah Rahman 20 times after each Prayer with Durood Shareef 7 times in the start and end each time.

Repeat this action and the wish of that person will be granted within a short
period by the grace of Allah.

★★★★★ SURAH AL WAQIAH ★★★★★

★ The Prophet said, ‘Whoever recites surah al Waqiah at night would never encounter poverty’ [Ibn Sunni 620]

★ The Prophet said, ‘Surah al Waqiah is the Surah of Wealth, so recite it and teach it to your children’[Ibn Asakir]

★★★★★ SURAH AL MULK ★★★★★

★ The Prophet said, ‘There is a surah in the Qur’an which is only thirty verses. It defended whoevererecited it, until it puts him into paradise ‘i.e. Surah al Mulk [Fath al Qadir 5/257, Sahihul Jamiea 1/680, Tabrani inAl-Awsat & Ibn Mardawaith]

★ The Prophet said, ‘Surah al Mulk is the protector from the torment of the grave ‘[Sahihul Jamiea 1/680, Hakim 2/498 & Nasai]


★ Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.) said that a person who recites this Surah properly will get a chance to meet the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H.) and if he prays for something from Allah (S.w.T.) he will get it.

★ Reciting Surah al-Muzammil a hundred times on Thursday night leads to the forgiving of a hundred major sins and procures a hundred rewards.

★ Recitation of this Surah protects one from insanity and from being a slave to people.


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